Sanjit Jolly
Interventional Cardiology
Population Health Research Institute, Hamilton Health Sciences
McMaster University, Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine
Dr. Jolly is an interventional cardiologist at Hamilton Health Sciences and a professor at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. He has formal training in clinical trials with a M.Sc. in Health Research Methodology from McMaster University. He was the principal investigator of the RIVAL trial, a randomized trial of 7021 patients comparing radial and femoral access for coronary intervention. He is also the principal investigator trial of the recently completed TOTAL trial, an international randomized trial (N=10,700) of thrombectomy during primary PCI. He has led FDA IDE devices trials in the US. He is currently the principal investigator of the CLEAR OASIS 9 trial that is examining colchicine and spironolactone in acute myocardial infarction (N=7000). He has obtained more than 30 million dollars in funding between industry and peer reviewed grants.