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Giulio Guagliumi

Giulio Guagliumi

Director, Interventional Cardiology Unit
Ospedale Papa Giovanni XXIII
Dr. Giulio Guagliumi is the Director of the Interventional Cardiology Unit, Ospedale Papa Giovanni XXIII Bergamo, Italy. He was trained with Master in Interventional Cardiology at the Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France. He has a long-standing research expertise in complex coronary interventions, particularly with guidance of high-resolution intravascular imaging, acute myocardial infarction and stent vascular biology and response. He was awarded at Mayo Clinic and St. Mary Hospital, Rochester in imaging and coronary physiology assessment of vascular response to intracoronary stents. Dr. Guagliumi has authored 250 peer-reviewed publications in cardiovascular research and clinical trials across all prestigious cardiology journals. He is also author of chapters of the main Interventional Cardiology Textbooks (Topol-Teirsteen, IK Jang MGH, Scripps Clinic). He is fellow of the ESC, member of the executive board of EAPCI, and he was elected Secretary of the European Association of Interventional Cardiology (EAPCI) for the years 2016-2018. He was president of the Italian Society of Invasive Cardiology (GISE- 2009-2011), co-chair of the scientific program in interventional cardiology at the ESC Congress in the years 2012-2015. Scientific Board at EuroPCR, TCT, TCT-AP, AsiaPCR. In 2014 he was listed among the highly cited cardiology doctors (Thomson Reuters). Dr. Guagliumi was acting as Co-PI of the European Union Grant, Seventh Framework FP7/2007-2013, HEALTH-F2-2010-260309 (PRESTIGE) for detecting mechanisms of stent thrombosis. Recently Dr. Guagliumi in cooperation with a restricted group of investigators won the European HORIZONS 2020 Research and Innovation programme for treatment of cardiogenic shock under the grant agreement No 754946 (EURO-SHOCK). Dr. Guagliumi is a pioneer in clinical use of light based imaging for evaluating coronary atherosclerosis and stenting. H’s involved in early stage evaluation of light based technologies and software innovations for the clinical use including OCT co-registration with coronary angiography.