Divaka Perera
Interventional Cardiologist
St Thomas’ Hospital in London
Professor of Cardiology
King’s College London
Divaka Perera is an interventional cardiologist at St Thomas’ Hospital in London and a Professor of Cardiology at King’s College London. His specialist clinical interests synergise with his translational research programme, which is aimed at gaining novel insights into the mechanisms and consequences of ischaemia in order to develop effective treatments. The main areas of research are development and validation of indices of epicardial and microvascular coronary disease, the biology and treatment of ischaemic cardiomyopathy and evaluating mechanical circulatory support strategies to prevent and treat shock. The methodology used by his group ranges from detailed in vivo clinical physiological evaluation to developing and conducting multi centre clinical trials; he is the chief investigator of the BCIS series of RCTs (BCIS-1, REVIVED-BCIS2, CHIP-BCIS3 and STICH3-BCIS4).