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Salvatore Brugaletta

Salvatore Brugaletta

Associate Professor of Medicine
University of Barcelona
Dr. Brugaletta is an interventional cardiologist at the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona Spain and associate professor of Medicine at the University of Barcelona. His clinical expertise is in complex coronary intervention, INOCA and intracoronary imaging of atherosclerosis and coronary stent. His research interests are in STEMI treatment, particularly in comparative studies of different stent platforms and new devices, in vascular function and in INOCA patients. He has published over 350 articles in leading national and international journals including the Lancet, Circulation and JACC and he has been director of many PhD thesis at the University of Barcelona. He is member of the PCR board and Editor-in-chief of PCRonline. He was finalist of the TCT 2018 Linnemeir Young Investigator award.